Nitrous oxide disposal reporting app

Download our app and help report sightings of nitrous oxide canister disposal.

Nitrous Oxide:
No laughing matter?

We have launched a mobile app to report sightings of discarded canisters and help highlight the dangers of Nitrous Oxide to young people.

Download our app to help educate people about the dangers of using Nitrous Oxide and help us collect information on areas where canisters are disposed.

About the app

Nitrous oxide is most commonly inhaled from a balloon for its instantaneous depressant effects of calmness and lightheadedness. Shiny silver metal canisters are frequently emptied out into balloons before the gas is inhaled from the balloon.

Nitrous oxide use for recreational purposes is commonplace, particularly with young people, and is the second most used illicit substance for this cohort, behind cannabis. We have developed a free mobile app to record sightings of Nitrous Oxide canister disposal. Create Strength Group plan to use this information to help build and analyse hot-spots of Nitrous Oxide misuse and help educate people on the effects and dangers of this 'high'.

4 easy steps

Download app

Download the Nitrous Oxide disposal app.

Take Photo

Take or upload a photo of the evidence.

Add Location

Enter the location of Nitrous Oxide canister disposal.


Press the 'Submit' button to upload your info.

Scan to download

To download and start using the app, please use your mobile device to scan the image above.

Nitrous Oxide app privacy policy.

About our Nitrous Oxide project

Nitrous oxide project aims & 5 point plan:

  • Publicity campaign: drive awareness & provide health & harm reduction information
  • HR materials: provide materials and information from consultation with services & health professionals
  • Awareness training: deliver to front line workers and the public
  • Mapping & scoping exercise: use the free app to document nitrous oxide canister disposal
  • Health solutions, diversion events and community buy ins : deliver attractive community events to high risk user groups highlighting awareness and harm.

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